HIDOE makes the ACT College and Career Readiness System available for 8th through 11th graders to monitor and measure student progress toward and readiness for post-secondary plans. The tests for grades 8, 9 and 10 are optional, grade 11 is mandatory, and provides a free college entrance exam for all students.
ACT Aspire: Grades 8, 9 and 10
ACT Aspire scores reflect the knowledge and skills students develop over time—across grades—and link these results to readiness for college and career, providing an evolving picture of student growth. These tests are optional. The Aspire Assessment can be administered in one session or over multiple days within the testing window. The exam times for each grade level are listed below.
· English (Grade 8: 40 minutes; Grades 9-10: 45 minutes)
· Mathematics (Grades 8-10: 75 minutes)
· Reading (Grades 8-10: 65 minutes)
· Science (Grades 8-10: 60 minutes)
· Writing, optional with one prompt (Grades 8-10: 30 minutes)